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Resources for Economists
- Cawley, John. "A Guide and Advice for Economists on the U.S. Junior Academic Job Market: 2014-2015 Edition," IZA Discussion Paper Series, August 2014.
- Straka, Thomas J., "The Déjà Vu of Today's Application Files," The Chronicle of Higher Education, May 7, 2013.
- American Economic Association Job Openings for Economists:
- Economics Job Market Rumors Wiki:
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics:
- Cochrane, John H., "Writing Tips for Ph.D. Students," June 8, 2005.
- John Creedy, "A PhD Thesis without Tears," Australian Economic Review 40:4 (December 2007): 463-470.
- Davis, Don, "Ph.D. Thesis Research: Where Do I Start?", February 2001.
- Dudenhefer, Paul, "Writing in Economics," December 2009.
- Hamermesh, Daniel S., "Top Ten Tips for Junior Faculty on Jump-starting Your Career," CSWEP Newsletter, Spring Summer 2006.
- _____, "The Young Economist's Guide to Professional Etiquette," Journal of Economic Perspectives 6:1 (Winter 1992): 169-179.
- Jacobs, Lynn F., and Jeremy S. Hyman, "Fifteen Strategies for Giving Oral Presentations," U.S. News and World Report, February 24, 2010.
- Pischke, Steve, "How to Get Started on Research in Economics?", June 2012.
- Creedy, John, "From Manuscript to Publication: A Brief Guide for Economists," Research Paper Number 934, University of Melbourne, March 2005.
- McCloskey, Deirdre, "Other Things Equal: Economical Writing - an Executive Summary," Eastern Economic Journal 25:2 (Spring 1999): 239-242.
- Moffitt, Robert, "Getting Published in Economics Journals," CSWEP Newsletter, Spring 2011: 4-5, 10.
- Rich, Timothy S., "Publishing as a Graduate Student: A Quick and (Hopefully) Painless Guide to Establishing Yourself as a Scholar," Profession (April 2013): 376-379.
- McCloskey, Donald N., "Other Things Equal: How to Organize a Conference," Eastern Economic Journal 20:2 (Spring 1994): 219-222.
- University of Texas, "Tips on Being a Good Discussant."
- Hall, Robert E., "Managing Your Career as an Economist after Tenure," CSWEP Newsletter, Winter 2009: 4-5.
- Hamermesh, Daniel S., "Maximizing the Substance in the Soundbite: A Media Guide for Economists," Journal of Economic Education 35:4 (2004).
- _____, "Professional Etiquette for the Mature Economist," American Economic Review 83:2 (1993): 34-38.
- Hughes, Alan, "Tenure at Small Colleges," Inside Higher Ed (August 11, 2014).
- Davies, Andrea Rees, "Academic Couples: Opportunities and Strategies," Stanford University (video).
- Thornton, Saranna, "Where - Not When - Should You Have a Baby?", Chronicle of Higher Education, October 8, 2004.
- CSWEP: Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession. This group conducts annual surveys and offers a newsletter.
- Hale, Galina, and Regev, Tali, "Gender Ratios at Top PhD Programs in Economics," Federal Reserve Bank, August 2011.
- Hilmer, Christiana, and Michael Hilmer, "Women Helping Women, Men Helping Women? Same-Gender Mentoring, Initial Job Placements, and Early Career Publishing Success for Economics PhDs," American Economic Review, 97:2 (2007): 422-426.
- American Economic Association, "Universal Academic Questionnaire Summary Statistics," American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings 101 (May 2011): 664-667
- Atlanta Census Research Data Center. Provides qualified researchers in Atlanta and around the Southeast with the opportunity to perform statistical analysis on non-public Census microdata. The ACRDC is a partnership between the U.S. Census Bureau and a consortium that includes Georgia State University, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Emory University, Georgia Tech, University of Alabama at Birmingham, University of Georgia, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Clemson University.
- Data Resources for Economists: Data Services at Emory University
- Occupational Outlook Handbook for Economists
- Journal of Economic Education. This journal contains a variety of articles related to teaching in the field of economics. Some of the articles can be downloaded free of charge.