Academic Programs
Upon successful completion of the major in Economics or the joint Economics-Math major, or the joint CS-Economics major, and Emory's core curriculum, students will receive a Bachelor of Arts that is certified as a STEM major because of its quantitative nature. The joint Economics-Human Health major is not certified as a STEM major at this time.
Students have easy access to course descriptions and upcoming economics courses as well as department student policies and forms. Students also have the ability to pursue a specialization in different areas of economics.
Effective January 2024, all students who are pursuing both a BBA degree and an ECON major may either count one approved ECON elective toward the required electives towards your BBA degree OR one approved BBA elective toward the required electives for the Economics major. Students can view a list of approved electives here. Please note that the shared elective only applies to our Economics major, not towards any of our joint majors or the Economics minor.
Economics Major, Joint Majors and Minor
- 1 mathematics course
- 6 foundation courses
- 4 electives
You can find a checklist for Economics major requirements here.
- 4 pre-requisite courses
- 8 foundation courses
- Econ/Math 425 Mathematical Economics
- 3 electives (1 300-level or higher Econ elective, 1 400-level Econ elective, 1 Math elective- 212, 351, 361, or 411 )
A checklist for the joint Economics/Math major can be found here.
- 1 mathematics course
- 5 foundation courses
- 1 biomedical or health ethics course
- 3 methods courses
- 2 health care organization and policy courses
- 3 context and application of health electives
- Econ/Hlth 470 Research in Health Economics
Review the checklist for specific requirements in the joint Econ/Human Health major here.
Joint Econ/Human Health major: View Flyer
Please note that our joint Economics-Human Health major does not have a STEM designation for international student OPT purposes. This major does not require the additional courses required for a STEM designation because we are hoping to target students on a wide variety of career paths, including some who are trying to balance the major requirements with a number of pre-health requirements and others who are more interested in the humanities perspective.
Virtual Information Session for new Economics/Human Health Joint Major held in 2020
This Zoom session was recorded: Watch here
View/download presentation: Presentation on Economics/Human Health Joint Major
The joint Economics/Computer Science major is designed provide students with an education that combines economic reasoning, empirical methods and data analytics, and knowledge of machine learning and artificial intelligence to understand how data can be used to understand economic phenomenon in the digital age. This is a unique and innovative program that offers a synergistic curriculum beyond what computer science or economics can individually offer.
Review the checklist for specific requirements in the joint Econ/Computer Science major here.
Joint Econ/Computer Science major: View Flyer
Virtual Information Session for Economics/Computer Science Joint Major held in 2021
This virtual information session featured a brief overview of the new joint major and a panel discussion from alumni who double majored in Econ/CS to discuss how this interdisciplinary curriculum was beneficial to their career trajectories.
This Zoom session was recorded: Watch here
- 3 foundation courses
- 1 mathematics course
- 3 electives at the 200 level or above
You can find a checklist for the minor here.