Graduate Student News
Rachel Clohan's Paper Published in JAMA Network Open
Congratulations to 4th year doctoral candidate, Rachel Clohan, for having her paper, "State Minimum Wage and Food Insecurity among US Households with Children" in JAMA Network Open (Impact Factor 10.5). Co-authors include Megan Winkler, Kelli Komro, M. Doug Livingston, and Sara Markowitz. This work was supported by Healthy Eating Research (HER), a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), under Award No. 81357 (PI: Winkler).
Congratulations to Rachel!
Pablo Estrada's Paper Accepted for Publication in The Stata Journal
Congratulations to doctoral candidate Pablo Estrada for having his paper, “netivreg: Estimation of Peer Effects in Endogenous Social Networks" (joint work with Juan Estrada 22G, Kim Huynh, David Jacho-Chavez, and Leonardo Sánchez-Aragón) accepted for publication in The Stata Journal.
Congratulations to Pablo!
Mohammad Fidakar's Paper Accepted for Publication in Iranian Economic Review
Congratulations to graduate student Mohammad Fidakar for having his paper, “A Study on Profitability of Afghanistan Coal Mine with ARDL Approach; Case Study of the North Coal Enterprise in Afghanistan" (joint work with Atefa Hussaini and Abbas Erfan) published in Iranian Economic Review.
Congratulations to Mohammad!
Justin Eloriaga's Paper Accepted for Publication in DLSU Business and Economics Review
Congratulations to graduate student Justin Eloriaga for having his paper, “Comparing “Exclusion” to “Neutralization” in Computing Core Inflation and Testing Cointegration of Core with Headline Inflation: Results for the Philippines" (joint work with Jesus C. Dumagan) published in DLSU Business and Economics Review.
Congratulations to Justin!
Marcelo Ortiz's Paper Accepted for Publication in the Journal, Housing Studies
Congratulations to graduate student Marcelo Ortiz for having his paper, “Heterogenous Treatment Effects of a Voluntary Inclusionary Zoning Program on Housing Prices” (joint work with Gonzalo E. Sanchez and Mario A. Fernandez) published in Housing Studies.
Congratulations to Marcelo!
Andrew Smith's Paper Accepted for Publication in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
Congratulations to graduate student Andrew Smith for having his paper “Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice and Patient Harm: Evidence from Medical Malpractice Payouts and Adverse Action Reports" (joint work with Sara Markowitz) published in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.
Congratulations to Andrew!
Hanna Glenn's Paper Accepted for Publication in Health Economics
Congratulations to graduate student Hanna Glenn for having her paper “Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansions and Maternal Morbidity" (joint work with with Pinka Chatterji, Sara Markowitz, and Jennifer Montez) published in Health Economics.
Congratulations to Hanna!
Noah MacDonald Invited to Present Paper at Mountain West Economic History Conference and Business History Conference
Congratulations to doctoral candidate, Noah MacDonald, who was invited to present his paper, "The Effectiveness of Doxxing: Evidence from the Second Ku Klux Klan" at the Mountain West Economic History Conference (grad student session) in Logan, UT, February 21-22, 2025.
Noah was also invited to present his paper "Insider Trading and Market Efficiency before the SEC: Evidence from the Teapot Dome Scandal" at the Business History Conference (regular session) in Atlanta, GA, March 15-17, 2025.
Congratulations to Noah!
Four Economics Doctoral Students Invited to Present their Papers at the Southern Economic Association 94th Annual Meeting
The following three Economics doctoral students presented their work at the Southern Economic Association (SEA) 94th Annual Meeting in Washington D.C., November 23-25, 2024.
Fourth-year doctoral candidate, Justin Eloriaga, presented his paper, “A Narrative for Fed Information Shocks."
Fifth-year doctoral candidate, Pablo Estrada, presented his paper, “Spillover Effects with Nonrandom Sample Selection."
Fourth-year doctoral candidate, Amy Lim, presented her paper, “The Effects of Stricter Licensing on Residential Childcare Supply in Georgia."
Third-year doctoral student, Guido Romero, presented his paper, “Closed-Form Bounds for Extrapolating the Results of Social Experiments to New Populations."
Amy Lim Invited to Present Paper at the APPAM Fall Research Conference
Congratulations to fourth-year doctoral candidate, Amy Lim, who presented her paper, “The Effects of Stricter Licensing on Residential Childcare Supply in Georgia” at the Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management (APPAM) Fall Research Conference in National Harbor, Maryland, November 21-23, 2024.
Congratulations to Amy!
Three Economics Doctoral Students Invited to Present Papers at the Midwest Econometrics Group Conference
The following three Economics doctoral students presented their work the 34th annual Midwest Econometrics Group Conference at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, November 1-2, 2024.
Fifth-year doctoral candidate, Pablo Estrada, presented his paper, “Spillover Effects with Nonrandom Sample Selection."
Third-year doctoral student, Marcelo Ortiz, presented his paper, "Better Understanding Triple Difference Estimators."
Fourth-year doctoral candidate, Alessia Scudiero, presented her paper, "Impulse Response Functions in Time Varying VARs: A Clustered Local Projections Approach."
Pablo Estrada Invited to Present Paper at NABE Tech Economics Conference
Congratulations to doctoral candidate, Pablo Estrada, who presented his paper, “Spillover Effects with Nonrandom Sample Selection” at the NABE Tech Economics Conference, October 27-29, 2024 in Seattle, WA.
Congratulations to Pablo!
Tianhao Zhao Invited to Present Paper at the 30th Anniversary Midwest Macroeconomics Meetings
Congratulations to doctoral candidate, Tianhao Zhao, who presented his paper, “Nonlinear Heterogeneous Impact of Net Worth Shocks” at the 30th Anniversary Midwest Macroeconomics Meetings, hosted at Purdue University, September 6-8, 2024.
Congratulations to Tianhao!
Hanna Glenn to Present Paper at European Society for Population Economics (ESPE) and European Health Economics Association Conference (EuHEA)
Congratulations to doctoral candidate, Hanna Glenn, who presented her paper, “Does Hospital Leadership Matter? Evidence from Pay-for-Performance Incentives” at two conferences this summer: The European Society for Population Economics (ESPE) in Rotterdam, Netherlands, June 27-29, 2024 and the European Health Economics Association (EuHEA) in Vienna, Austria, July 1-4, 2024.
Congratulations to Hanna!
Shabnam Shahrezaei Presents Paper at the Midwest Economics Association Annual Meeting
Congratulations to third-year graduate student, Shabnam Shahrezaei, who presented her paper, “Exploring the Welfare Implications of Social Security Marital Benefits for Elderly Black Women” at the Midwest Economics Association 88th Annual Meeting, March 22-24, 2024 in Chicago, IL.
Congratulations to Shabnam!
Pablo Estrada Presents Paper at West Virginia University's Representation Matters: Ph.D. Seminar Series
Congratulations to fourth-year graduate student, Pablo Estrada, who presented his paper, “Spillover Effects with Nonrandom Sample Selection” at the Representation Matters: Ph.D. Seminar Series, at West Virginia University, March 22, 2024.
The Economics Department at the John Chambers College of Business and Economics at West Virginia University (WVU) hosts Representation Matters: Ph.D. Seminar Series to bring in doctoral students from historically marginalized communities to speak about their research. The goal of this Series is to help disseminate the work being conducted by historically marginalized doctoral students and increase the representation of marginalized students in academia.
Congratulations to Pablo!
Amy Lim Presents Paper at Atlanta Workshop on Public Policy and Child Well-Being (PPCW)
Congratulations to third-year graduate student, Amy Lim, who presented her paper, "The Effects of Stricter Licensing on Residential Childcare Supply in Georgia" at the Atlanta Workshop on Public Policy and Child Well-Being (PPCW) in Atlanta, GA, March 1-2, 2024.
Congratulations to Amy!
Economics Doctoral Student Selected for the 2025 Edward A. Bouchet Graduate Honor Society
Congratulations to third-year doctoral student, Michaela Philip, for being selected by the Laney Graduate School for induction into the 2025 Edward A. Bouchet Graduate Honor Society at Emory University. Michaela has represented the Department of Economics as a LGS-EDGE* Ambassador since 2023. Out of many qualified applicants, her application stood out as an excellent match for a Society that recognizes outstanding scholarly achievement and promotes diversity and excellence in higher education and the professoriate. Michaela will attend the National Yale Bouchet Graduate Honor Society Induction Ceremony on April 4th in New Haven, CT, as part of the Annual Yale Bouchet Conference on Diversity and Graduate Education, April 4-5, 2025.
*EDGE: Emory Diversifying Graduate Education
Graduate Students Recognized for Research and Teaching
The Department of Economics recognized the following graduate students at our awards banquet on April 8, 2024.
Economics Graduate Student Research Award of Excellence: Hanna Glenn
This award was established to honor a graduate student who exemplifies superb research abilities and an eagerness to engage in scholarly activities.
Economics Graduate Student Teaching Award of Excellence: Katie Leinenbach
This award was established to honor a graduate student who exemplifies superb teaching abilities and demonstrates extraordinary dedication to teaching economics.
Congratulations to this year's Graduate Student award winners! Learn more about these annual departmental awards on our Graduate Student Awards page.
Katie Leinenbach Awarded 2023 Student Award for Inclusive Excellence by The Laney Graduate School
Congratulations to Katie Leinenbach for being awarded the 2023 LGS Student Award for Inclusive Excellence. This award recognizes extraordinary achievements that help create an environment of inclusive excellence in graduate education. Katie's dedication and commitment to fostering a welcoming and diverse community for all graduate students make her an ideal recipient of this award.
Since joining the Economics department at Emory University in 2020, Katie has continuously searched for new strategies to create an inclusive environment for all graduate students, current and future. She has been actively involved in the recruitment process, attends dinners to introduce accepted students to the program, and tailors tours to the student’s individual needs and likes. Katie has served as an Emory Diversifying Graduate Education (EDGE) Ambassador since 2021, attending numerous in-person and virtual Laney Graduate School recruiting events to increase enrollment and matriculation of diverse graduate students.
Moreover, Katie's initiatives extend beyond recruitment. She spearheaded our department First Year Peer Mentor Program to create an inclusive environment for those students new to the program, holding mentoring lunches, meeting with students individually, and organizing social events to introduce students to one another. She also took the initiative to become an Emory Safe Space Ally, hoping to arrange a Safe Space training program for our entire department in the coming year.
Congratulations to Katie on this well-deserved recognition!
Emerson Hamer Attends Berkeley/Sloan Summer School in Environmental and Energy Economics
Congratulations to third-year graduate student, Emerson Hamer, who attended the Berkeley/Sloan Summer School in Environmental and Energy Economics organized by the Energy Institute at Haas at UC Berkeley, August 19-23, 2024.
Jafet Baca Attends Summer School in International Economics
Congratulations to third-year graduate student, Jafet Baca, who attended the Summer School in International Economics, organized by the Journal of International Economics and the Department of Economics at the University of Oxford, UK., July 1-3, 2024.
Jin Zhang Attends Barcelona School of Economics Summer School
Congratulations to third-year graduate student, Jin Zhang, who attended the Barcelona School of Economics (BSE) Summer School [banking series], in Barcelona, Spain, June 25-29, 2024.
Mohammad Fidakar Featured in Emory News Center
Marcelo Ortiz Awarded Fully-Funded Offer to OCE Summer School at University of Chicago

As part of the Optimization-Conscious Econometrics (OCE) Conference III, the Griffin Applied Economics Incubator hosts the Optimization-Conscious Econometrics Summer School with the goal to equip graduate students with tools at the intersection of optimization and econometrics.
Alessia Scudiero Awarded AEA Summer Fellowship at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Congratulations to fourth-year graduate student, Alessia Scudiero, who was awarded an American Economic Association (AEA) Summer Fellowship at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland beginning in June 2024.
The Summer Economics Fellowship allows the fellow to spend a summer in residence at a sponsoring research institution. During their residency, fellows participate as members of the research community while engaged in a research project of their own choosing. Fellows will be mentored by experienced economists both on scientific issues, and career issues such as negotiating publications, the job market, and advancement strategies.
Four Economics Doctoral Students Honored as LGS-EDGE Ambassadors at the Annual Diversity Reception