Economics Leadership Course
Economics Leadership Course: Empowering economics students with tailored insights
Our accredited course addresses an overview of the unique challenges faced by women in economics and equips students with essential leadership skills to promote their personal and professional growth.
The course provides students with opportunities to discuss leadership styles of successful women in business, read papers on related economic topics, and develop comprehensive professional skills.
Students undergo training in:
- Career clarity
- Workplace readiness
- Job search mastery and proficiency
- Confidence building
- Leadership development
Throughout the semester, students interact with economic leaders and Emory alumni. One highlight of the course is a 3-minute elevator pitch that allows students to practice and showcase the skills they acquired throughout the semester.
Please note: while women’s leadership is emphasized in the course, all economics students regardless of gender (including those who identify as non-binary) are welcome to participate.
ECON 385: Economics Leadership Course
- ECON 385: Special Topics in Economics: Leadership in Economics
This course requires ECON _OX 100 or ECON 101 or ECON_OX 101 or FIN 201 AND ECON 112 or ECON_OX112 or equivalent transfer credit as a prerequisite.
For now, enrolling in our leadership course requires the instructor approval. Please email Prof. Pesavento at to get the code.