Economics Department-Wide Seminars
Occasionally, the Economics Department hosts a seminar that is of interest to scholars across disciplines. Seminars sponsored by the Hightower Fund are considered interdisciplinary and all are invited to attend.
If a department-wide seminar is being held via Zoom, please contact Marie Browne if you would like to attend: mpbrown@emory.edu
Fall 2024 Schedule
Please note: Seminars are added throughout the academic year.
Friday, October 4
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm
Trevon Logan, The Ohio State University
Location: GFC W131 (Goizueta Foundation Bldg)
Title: Workplace Stratification and Racial Health Disparities
Host: David McMillon
This seminar is sponsored by the Hightower Fund and is considered interdisciplinary. All are invited to attend.
Thursday, October 24
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
Zachary Stangebye, University of Notre Dame
Location: R. Randall Rollins (R577)
Title: Living in Infamy: Bad Reputations in Emerging Markets
Host: Vivian Yue
This seminar is sponsored by The Hightower Fund, the Economics Dept. and Quantitative Theory and Methods (QTM) Dept. and is considered interdisciplinary. All are invited to attend.