2022 Publications
American Journal of Health Economics
Asian Economic Journal
European Journal of Finance
Auctions with Flexible Information Acquisition
Games and Economics Behavior
International Social Security Review
Carla Moreno
Macroeconomic Forecasting and Variable Ordering in Multivariate Stochastic Volatility Models
Journal of Econometrics
Zero-Ending Prices, Cognitive Convenience, and Price Rigidity
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
Long-Horizon Stock Valuation and Return Forecasts Conditional on Demographic Projections
Journal of Empirical Finance
The Two-Pillar Policy for the RMB
Journal of Finance (forthcoming)
Economists in the 2008 Financial Crisis: Slow to See, Fast to Act
Journal of Financial Stability
Hierarchical Contagions in the Interdependent Financial Network
Journal of Financial Stability
The Effects of Incentivizing Early Prenatal Care on Infant Health
Journal of Health Economics
Lifetime and Intergenerational Consequences of Poor Childhood Health
Journal of Human Resources
Sovereign Risk and Financial Risk
Journal of International Economics
The Beta Anomaly and Mutual Fund Performance
Management Science
Jeong-Ho (John) Kim
Toward a Uniform Classification of Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice Laws
Medical Care Research and Review
Oxford Open Economics
Experience, Institutions, and Candidate Emergence: The Political Career Returns to State Legislative Service
Political Science Research and Methods
International Trade and the Survival of Mammalian and Reptilian Species
Science Advances
Estimating Social Effects in a Multilayered Linear-in-Means Model with Network Data
Statistics & Probability Letters
Alexandra Manta
The Collected Papers of Leonid Hurwicz: Volume 1