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Sample of current faculty and student publications:

2024 Publications

American Economic Journal: MicroeconomicsOn Optimal Scheduling

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics

Daniel Fershtman




The Gift of a Lifetime: The Hospital, Modern Medicine, and Mortality

American Economic Review

Krzysztof Karbownik



Computational Economics

Deciphering the Influence of the Tone of Management Discussion and Analysis on Corporate Innovation: Integrating Textual Analysis with Empirical Corporate Data

Computational Economics

Yuki (Xue) Wang



Nurse Practitioner Oversight Ratios and Labor Market Outcomes

Contemporary Economic Policy

Sara Markowitz

Andrew J.D. Smith 23G


American Journal of Political SciencePersuasion in Veto Bargaining

American Journal of Poitical Science

Kyungmin (Teddy) Kim



DLSUComparing “Exclusion” to “Neutralization” in Computing Core Inflation and Testing Cointegration of Core with Headline Inflation: Results for the Philippines

DLSU Business and Economics Review

Justin Eloriaga



The Intergenerational Legacy of Indian Residential Schools


Margaret (Maggie) Jones




Economic History Review

Finance Capitalism in Industrializing Autocracies: Evidence from Corporate Balance Sheets in Imperial Germany and Russia

Economic History Review

Caroline Fohlin



Economic Theory BulletinUnbounded Markov Dynamic Programming with Weighted Supremum Norm Perov Contractions

Economic Theory Bulletin

Alexis Akira Toda




Economics LettersAbstract Readability: Evidence from Top-5 Economics Journals

Economics Letters

David Jacho-Chavez

Belecia Rodriguez 20C 


Explorations in Economic History

Stock Returns and the Spanish Flu, 1918-1920

Explorations in Economic History

Caroline Fohlin




Housing Studies

Heterogenous Treatment Effects of a Voluntary Inclusionary Zoning Program on Housing Prices

Housing Studies

Marcelo Ortiz



Iranian Economic ReviewA Study on Profitability of Afghanistan Coal Mine with ARDL Approach; Case Study of the North Coal Enterprise in Afghanistan 

Iranian Economic Review

Mohammad Fidakar



Journal of Econometric MethodsEstimating Social Effects with Randomized and Observational Network Data

Journal of Econometric Methods

Juan Estrada 22G

David Jacho-Chavez


journal of econometricsState-dependent Local Projections

Journal of Econometrics

Elena Pesavento



Journal of Economic TheoryMoney under the Mattress: Inflation and Lending of Last Resort

Journal of Economic Theory

Daniel Fershtman



Journal of Human ResourcesSetting a Good Example? Examining Sibling Spillovers in Educational Achievement Using a Regression Discontinuity Design

Journal of Human Resources

Krzysztof Karbownik



Journal of International Money and FinanceConstructing Quarterly Chinese Time Series Usable for Macroeconomic Analysis

Journal of International Money and Finance

Kaiji Chen

Tao Zha


Journal of Mathematical EconomicsRecent Advances on Uniqueness of Competitive Equilibrium

Journal of Mathematical Economics

Alexis Akira Toda



Journal of Monetary EconomicsThe Fed Takes on Corporate Credit Risk: An Analysis of the Efficacy of the SMCCF

Journal of Monetary Economics

Vivian (Zhanwei) Yue



Review of Economic StudiesThe Slaughter of the Bison and Reversal of Fortunes on the Great Plains

Review of Economic Studies 

Margaret (Maggie) Jones



Review of Economic Studies

Dynamic Perturbation

Review of Economic Studies

Juan Rubio-Ramirez



Journal of Urban EconomicsBlack-Friendly Businesses in Cities During the Civil Rights Era

Journal of Urban Economics

Margaret (Maggie) Jones