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2023 Publications

advances in econometricsConditional Inference in Nearly Cointegrated Vector Error-Correction Models with Small Signal-to-Noise

Advances in Econometrics 

Elena Pesavento



American Economic Journal- Economic PolicyEffects of Maturing Private School Choice Programs on Public School Students

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy

Krzysztof Karbownik



American Economic Journal: MacroeconomicsThe Causal Effects of Lockdown Policies on Health and Macroeconomic Outcomes

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 

Juan Rubio-Ramirez



American Economic Journal: MacroeconomicsEstimating Hysteresis Effects

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics

Juan Rubio-Ramirez




american-economic-reviewTrade with Correlation

American Economic Review

Nelson Lind




American Economic Review: InsightsGlobal Innovation and Knowledge Diffusion

American Economic Review: Insights

Nelson Lind




American Journal of Health EconomicsWho Pays in Pay-for-Performance? Evidence from Hospital Prices and Financial Penalties

American Journal of Health Economics 

Ian McCarthy



EconometricaInference for Large-Scale Linear Systems with Known Coefficients


Zheng Fang



econometrics-journalNonparametric Identification of Random Coefficients in Aggregate Demand Models of Differentiated Products

The Econometrics Journal

Stefan Hoderlein



Econometric ReviewsExtremal Quantiles and Stock Price Crashes

Econometric Reviews

Esfandiar Maasoumi




The Economics JournalMales at the Tails: How Socioeconomic Status Shapes the Gender Gap 

The Economic Journal 

Krzysztof Karbownik



Economics of Education Review

Post-Secondary Funding and the Educational Attainment of Indigenous Students

Economics of Education Review

Margaret Jones



Health EconomicsAffordable Care Act Medicaid Expansions and Maternal Morbidity

Health Economics 

Hanna Glenn

Sara Markowitz


Health EconomicsPrice Spillovers and Specialization in Health Care: The Case of Children's Hospitals

Health Economics

Ian McCarthy



International Economic ReviewUnemployment Duration under Flexible Information Acquisition

International Economic Review

Kyungmin (Teddy) Kim





Identifying Factors via Automatic Debiased Machine Learning

Journal of Applied Econometrics

Esfandiar Maasoumi



journal-applied-econometricsOil Prices Uncertainty, Endogenous Regime Switching, and Inflation Anchoring

Journal of Applied Econometrics

Elena Pesavento



journal-of-development-economicsThe Short-lived Effects of Unconditional Cash Transfers to Refugees

Journal of Development Economics

Stephen O'Connell



journal of econometricsNonparametric Difference-in-Differences in Repeated Cross-Sections with Continuous Treatments

Journal of Econometrics

Stefan Hoderlein



Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

We Didn’t Start the Fire: Effects of a Natural Disaster on Consumers’ Financial Distress

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

David Jacho-Chávez



Journal of FinanceMonetary Stimulus amidst the Infrastructure Investment Spree: Evidence from China’s Loan Level Data

Journal of Finance

Kaiji Chen

Daniel Waggoner

Tao Zha  

Journal of Human Resources(Breaking) Intergenerational Transmission of Mental Health

Journal of Human Resources 

Krzysztof Karbownik




Journal of Human ResourcesSetting a Good Example? Examining Sibling Spillovers in Educational Achievement Using a Regression Discontinuity Design

Journal of Human Resources

Krzysztof Karbownik



Journal of Industrial EconomicsMultimarket Contact in Health Insurance: Evidence from Medicare Advantage

Journal of Industrial Economics 

Ian McCarthy



Journal of Industrial and Business EconomicsAn Econometric Identification of Abnormally Low Bids in the Procurement Market: Discriminant Analysis

Journal of Industrial and Business Economics 

Jung Jae Kim



journal-of-policy-analysis-and-managementNurse Practitioner Scope of Practice and Patient Harm:  Evidence from Medical Malpractice Payouts and Adverse Action Reports

Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 

Sara Markowitz

Andrew J.D. Smith


Journal of Political EconomyKeeping the Listener Engaged: a Dynamic Model of Bayesian Persuasion

Journal of Political Economy

Kyungmin (Teddy) Kim




Journal of Political EconomyStrength in Numbers? Gender Composition, Leadership, and Women's Influence in Teams

Journal of Political Economy

Stephen O'Connell



Management ScienceAdjusting to Rain Before it Falls

Management Science

Nelson Lind



The Quarterly Journal of EconomicsThe Evolution of Access to Public Accommodations in the United States

Quarterly Journal of Economics

Margaret (Maggie) Jones