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2019 Publications

Responsive imageIntroduction to the Econometrics of Complex Survey Data: Theory and Applications

Advances in Econometrics

David Jacho-Chávez




american-economic-journal-applied-economicsFamily Disadvantage and the Gender Gap in Behavioral and Educational Outcomes

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics

Krzysztof Karbownik




american-economic-reviewWealth Distribution and Social Mobility in the U.S.: A Quantitative Approach

American Economic Review

Mi Luo



econometrics-journalIT Outsourcing and Firm Productivity: Eliminating Bias from Selective Missingness in the Dependent Variable

Econometrics Journal

Christoph Breunig



econometrics-journalAccelerated Failure Time Models with Log-concave Errors

Econometrics Journal

Ruixuan Liu




economiaProductivity and Reallocation: Evidence from Ecuadorian Firm-level Data


David Jacho-Chávez




economics-and-human-biologyThe Effects of Employment on Influenza Rates

Economics and Human Biology

Sara Markowitz




economiesAn Analysis of the Determinants of Household Consumption Expenditure and Poverty in India


Esfandiar Maasoumi



international-review-of-economics-and-financeChoosing Expected Shortfall Over VaR in Basel III Using Stochastic Dominance

International Review of Economics & Finance

Esfandiar Maasoumi



international review of law and economicsThe Voting Rights of Ex-felons and Election Outcomes in the United States

International Review of Law and Economics

Hugo Mialon



Journal of Banking RegulationBank Procyclicality, Business Cycles and Capital Requirements

Journal of Banking Regulation

Carlos Ballesteros-Ruíz



journal of business and applied statistics Testing Missing at Random Using Instrumental Variables

Journal of Business and Economic Statistics

Christoph Breunig




journal-of-health-economicsDemand for Health Insurance: Evidence from the California and Washington ACA Exchanges

Journal of Health Economics

Evan Saltzman 



journal of human capitalDo Pimples Pay? Acne, Human Capital, and the Labor Market

Journal of Human Capital

Hugo Mialon




journal-of-labor-economicsLong-run Consequences of Exposure to Natural Disasters

Journal of Labor Economics

Krzysztof Karbownik




journal-of-pediatricsSmall-for-gestational Age Birth Confers Similar Educational Performance through Middle School

Journal of Pediatrics

Krzysztof Karbownik



Journal of Political EconomyThe Gender Gap in the Earnings Distribution

Journal of Political Economy

Esfandiar Maasoumi




journal-of-policy-analysis-and-managementSchool Starting Age and Cognitive Development

Journal of Policy Analysis and Management

Krzysztof Karbownik




Panel Data EconometricsChapter 29 - Analysis of Stochastic Dominance Ranking of Chinese Income Distributions by Household Attributes

Panel Data Econometrics

Esfandiar Maasoumi




proceedings-of-the-national-academy-of-sciencesEvidence that Prenatal Testosterone Transfer from Male Twins Reduces the Fertility and Socioeconomic Success of their Female Co-twins

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Krzysztof Karbownik